Get accurate annotations

Validated, unbiased crowdsource annotation pipeline for better AI.
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Annotation Q&A

High quality, only!

Activate cross validation for the better accuracy.

Each object in each data point is labelled by different groups in smart ways. Perfect and unbiased annotations are ensured.
Cross Validation
Spam Detection
Annotator Matcher
Consensus Generator

Annotation Q&A Platform

Observe the annotations live, give feedback and edit.
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Path to Successful AI model

We help AI teams to build production ready AI models with high quality, unbiased data annotations.
Data Annotation Project Creation
Build your AI data annotation project, and define requirements.
Annotation Guideline Creation
Upload your sample data and perform sample annotations. So that, we know how the high quality looks.
Track Your Annotations Live
Be an active part of data annotations. Track class distributions, see uncertainties, and provide feedback.
Feed Your AI Model.
Export or import annotations into your model training environment. Datalaoders and TFRecords are already provided.

Track the Annotation Process Live

You are able to observe the labeling process as the annotations are performed. Access the data distirbutions instantly.
Learn More ➜

Get High Quality Annotations

Always! Create your annotation guideline as you see fit. We will cross validate and do some magic to deliver the results exactly you require.

Don't Linger Your AI Model

We are committed to deliver annotations fast, up to 50K/day, always.

Your Data is Safe

It is ensured that your data is processed with industry leading information security certifications ISO 27001, ISO 9001 and with respect to GDPR.
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Elif Oral
Senior Data Scientist
The work was appropriate and very meticulous. In fact, it has been worked so carefully that even a contribution has been made to our wishes. We were informed at every stage of the work, the communication was very good. All our question marks about data quality have been cleared. As a result of this meticulous work, we have achieved a high quality output.

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Better data makes better AI models.

Helping AI teams to grow for better.

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AI's Impact on Autonomous Driving in 2024
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